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Data import

Sometimes it is necessary to get data or code into the TRE. As the TRE is shut off from the internet this presents a challenge. This guide explains how to do this.

Copying text in

A small amount of text can be pasted in from external systems using the Clipboard tool. This does not allow copy/paste out. This might be useful should you need to copy in a difficult to write function for example.

Getting user data into the TRE

For the Old TRE, only admins can upload (larger amounts of) data into the TRE. Please put in a helpdesk request if you require new data or software upload. Please email to set up a ticket.

For the New TRE, you can upload data to your Sandbox specific green-uploads bucket, which you can find using the widget below:

Once uploaded, please email with the names of the files/directories you'd like to be transferred and which Sandbox you like them to be transferred to.


Please be aware at present, all users in your sandbox can see all data that is being stored in the green library. For this reason, it is important that you do not upload any data that you do not want other users to see for example, individual level data.