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Folder structures


This bucket is only available to the core Genes & Health team, and to companies in the Genes & Health Industry Consortium. It contains data restricted during 9 month priority access periods (e.g. exome sequencing). Specifically, read access is only for sandboxes 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 13.

Same storage type as /genesandhealth/library-red, see comments above

/genesandhealth/consortiumpriorityperiod-library-red is a google storage bucket gs://qmul-sandbox-production-library-consortiumpriorityperiod-red (read+write only for admins)

Green folders


Specific to each sandbox.

green can be read by other users in the sandbox. Users cannot write to green.

Users can download from /genesandhealth/green from internet/external systems.

The admin team will review data out requests, and either place the data in green (for specific users to download, short term) or library-green (long term availability for all users to download).

Data in each sandbox green will be deleted approx 1 week after creation. green is not intended for long term storage, only data transfer/download.

Same storage type as /genesandhealth/library-red, see comments above.

/genesandhealth/green is a google bucket gs://fg-qmul-production-sandbox-1_green/ (read only for users, read+write only for admins) (replace the 1 with whichever sandbox you want)


Access as for consortiumpriorityperiod-library-red but with external download (e.g. gsutil) enabled. Used for results. Not for individual level data.


Other folders


You can 'publish' a file to /genesandhealth/shared by right clicking on it, and selected 'Share with all users'

/genesandhealth/shared is available to all other users within the TRE.


This is the output of the high performance compute WDL Pipelines, that the ivm/pipeline writes to. Users of the sandbox have read only access.

Specific to each sandbox.

This is slower storage of large capacity (>8 PiB @ Feb 2022)

Public datasets bucket

We also maintain a bucket for public datasets. This is not visible from within the TRE. Much of the data is mirrored in genesandhealth/library-green/ within the TRE.


Copying between Google Buckets within the TRE

Is permitted from within the TRE, subject to user read/write permissions as above.

Admins may copy from Google Buckets to external systems. However external copy from external Google Buckets direct to/from TRE Google Buckets is prohibited for security reasons.


Data in selected folders is protected from accidental deletion or alteration by the Google Object Versioning service. Specifically, for data in these folders -

Shared folders

/genesandhealth/library-red , 1 version, 30 days

/genesandhealth/consortiumpriorityperiod-library-red, 1 version, 30 days

/genesandhealth/nhsdigital-sublicence-red, 1 version, 30 days

Sandbox-specific folders

/genesandhealth/red, 2 versions, 30 days

/genesandhealth/pipeline, 1 version, 7 days

we will keep either a) the prior version of the data prior to a change (or deletion) by a user for 30 days , or b) two prior versions of the data prior to a change (or deletion) by a user for 30 days.

This allows the prior version to be restored, in the event of accidental erasure or deletion.

To say this another way: imagine you accidentally alter or delete a file in the /genesandhealth/library-red folder. Then the version of the file prior to its removal can be restored, for up to 30 days after the change. In the sandbox-specific /genesandhealth/red folder, two prior versions of the file will be kept, each for 30 days after the change leading to its creation.

Restoring a prior version of an accidentally removed or modified file requires utilities only available to administrators: if you need this, contact us using Slack or writing to, including the word "Urgent" in the subject header.

Figure of Directory Structure